Wayne pointed out this post on Vibe’s blog about the abundance of M.I.A. “Paper Planes” remixes floating around. I had already collected a bunch over the past year, but recently they’ve been popping up like mushrooms on shit after a rain storm. Many of them seem to be legit/official (or semi-official) versions featuring prominent rappers like 50 Cent, Jim Jones,…
Dancing in the Street @ Renegade Craft Fair
I’ll be DJing at the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago on Sunday (7:30 – 10pm) on the Chicago Independent Radio Project (CHIRP) stage, along with others like Whoa-B (6pm) and Micada (noon). I attended the fair last year and it was absolutely wicked! Division St. between Damen & Hermitage in Wicker Park close to traffic and fill up with 250…
DJ Flack to Rock the Good Life
Our boy DJ Flack has been organizing a set of 2/dub/bass-step slammers for to rock the house at The Good Life in Boston on Wed: In the past year and a half, there’s been a small explosion of club nights in Boston devoted to bass-centric genres first spawned in the clubs of London: bassline, 2-step, and (most famously) dub step”…
Ouch! “The System”
This track is so good it hurts: Music Video: Terry Lynn “The System” [youtube I9PAuzjcxGM&eurl] More info @ kingstonlogic.com and phreemusic.com MP3 Download: Terry Lynn “The System” -> [audio:https://archive.mashit.com/audio/System.mp3] This one’s pretty dope too: Music Video: Terry Lynn “Kingstonlogic” [youtube tMJGIrtLq7s]
DJ C “Mas Hits”
MP3 Download DJ C “Mas Hit” Mini-Mix -> Update: The “Mas Hits” album is out now. 16 tracks of massive mashups and ridiculous remixes -> It’s been just about a year since we re-launched Mashit.com as a blog, online shop, podcast, and all around place for fiends. Over that year Mashit boss DJ C has produced and released a whole…
Time Out Chicago on Mashit and DJ C
Time Out Chicago / Issue 183 : Aug 28-Sep 3, 2008 Fall Preview 2008 | Clubs Vital man C With an online label, global mashing mentality and futuristic dancehall album, DJ C’s got the sonic nutrition you need. At the crossroads of the genre-blending, digital-remix and bouncing-bass-obsessed international DJ scene, DJ C and Mashit.com have a rep for pushing underground…
Joystyxx Radio
Micada and I will be back in the house tonight, Monday, Sept. 8 for our bi-weekly Chicagoland radio series; Joystyxx Radio. Every other Monday evening from 8 to 10 pm we’re kickin’ it old-school, new-school, and everything in between-school over the airwaves of Loyola University’s WLUW, 88.7 FM in Chicago and on the web at www.wluw.org. www.joystyxx.com ->
Hurricane Cake
3 years and 3 days ago John McCain and George W. Bush ate cake to celebrate McCain’s 69th birthday. At that very moment hurricane Katrina was bringing devastation to the gulf coast. Now it’s election season, and almost exactly 3 years later the Republican National Convention was due to begin today, but another monster hurricane has disrupted the plan. I…
Schlachthofbronx: Bavarian Club Music
Schlachthofbronx; “Fatthing (dubstep rmx)” -> [audio:uhttps://archive.mashit.com/audio/Fatthing-dubstep-rmx.mp3] Yes, perhaps Chicago is on top of the world. We may have the next president of the United States; we may have the summer Omympics in 2016; we’ve got juke, Cool Kids, Kid Sister, Flosstradamus, Dude N Nem, and Willy Joy; we’ve got post-rockers like Tortoise, alt-rockers like Wilco, and rappers like Kanye West…
Max Ulis in the Mix
Download: Max Ulis “max ulis 2008” Max Ulis brings it with some folks who happen to be causing huge basslines. This is a DJ Mix, not a track! [audio:https://archive.mashit.com/audio/max_ulis_2008.mp3] Tracklist: