Since writing that last post about lazer-bass it’s become clear that there are a number of names being tossed around for the emerging genre of dancehall, hip-hop, club influenced, gritty-BASS infused dance music. Here’s the question we pose to you. What u call it?
I personally like starkey’s “street bass” moniker.
+1 for starkeys street bass
Good point guys! I just added Street-Bass to the poll, and counted your votes.
street bass or Dread bass!
Bass-tard. Ha!
I’m going with street bass, I think it sums it all up pretty neatly.
whatever you call it, you can bet somebody will call it something else in a week. 🙂
this poll is too much. haha. to give credit, dev79 came up with the term street bass…. i just helped.
keep it equal…
Anything but street bass. Hipster-step. Haircutcore. Only joshing! I like this stuff (hell, I buy enough of it), but it’s not exactly street, is it? Now this:
is real street music, for better or worse.
Also, Wonky is blatantly the best name there.
I like Street Bass,lazer Bass makes me think of hipsters in fanny packs…