A couple of newsy bits flew by the radar today including: “Don’t Believe The Hate: Skrillex Is Already The Next Big Thing…” & “James Blake is Not Feeling the U.S. Dubstep ‘Frat Boy Market‘” It’s quite obvious that “Dubstep,” weather it’s the indie-rock version or the metal version, has seeped it’s way into the pop world. So I was excited…
Category: Newsy Bits
Daily posting of links from the Mashit del.icio.us account.
New Release: DJ C “Jump Up & Bounce” / “Mad Again” 10-inch & Digital
New 10-inch vinyl/digital record from DJ C on the London-based West Norwood Cassette Library label. FACT Magazine has given the record, and the label, a glowing review: When your first release is something so self-defining and, well, excellent, it’s easy to get painted into a corner … where to go next, without making carbon copies or simply letting everyone down?…