A couple of newsy bits flew by the radar today including: “Don’t Believe The Hate: Skrillex Is Already The Next Big Thing…” & “James Blake is Not Feeling the U.S. Dubstep ‘Frat Boy Market‘” It’s quite obvious that “Dubstep,” weather it’s the indie-rock version or the metal version, has seeped it’s way into the pop world. So I was excited…
Category: Genres
Must Be The Beer
I had an interesting experience DJing in Portland, OR last night. It was similar to something I once witnessed at a gig in Ghent, Belgium. The more wild, crazy, hard & heavy I was willing to go with the music, the more the crowd responded and danced. The opposite is generally the norm in Chicago, Boston, and really most places…
Party Like It’s 19-Naughty-9
I’m headed to a New Years Eve party in Brooklyn tonight and was asked if I had a danceable version of “Auld Lang Syne” to drop at midnigt. I didn’t. Instead I made this medly of some memorable pop hits from the last decade, kicked off by a classic, Glen Miller version of “Auld.” Enjoy, and happy new year! MP3…
Taste, Wot Iz It?
I’ve had many conversations with friends about what we call “yeahrhh rock.” You know, the stuff that was sparked by the love-child of Eddie Vedder‘s and James Hetfield‘s vocal stylings? I was reminded of these conversations after reading a hilarious article in Wired magazine about the music website Pandora. The question is weather Pandora can actually help someone with their…
Reggae Dancehall Sendups
It was bound to happen eventually. Dancehall’s been so good and so hip for so long, but it also tends to take itself so seriously. Well folks, the comedy world it pushing back: “Ras Trent” from SNL: [youtube TcK0MYgnHjo] “She’s So Hot – Boom” from Flight of the Conchords: [youtube JT5AQIlmM0I] Is dancehall the new yacht rock? Perhaps a more…
New Lee “Scratch” Perry Club Rap
Wow! This is the same guy who recorded early Bob Marley & The Wailers tracks before reggae even existed yet, and then went on to help define reggae and dub throughout the ’60s and ’70s with his band the Upsetters. Lee “Scratch” Perry now continues to transcend age and genre with this new crunked-up, ragga-club-rap number co-produced by Andrew W.K..…
New Chrissy Murderbot Mixtape!
Hi folks, got a new mix of all my fave up-to-the-minute juke – bassline – ghetto – step – sleaze – rave – core nonsense. Lots of exclusive / upfront stuff from myself, my label-mates, and some other assorted pals. (PS to said label-mates & pals–thanks!) Oh, and this is really, profoundly not-safe-for-work in a couple of parts, so be…
R.I.P. K-Swift
I’m getting ready to head out to Baltimore tomorrow for a visit with my man Gregzinho (of Beat Diaspora fame) before my gig in Silver Spring, MD on Friday night. I normally couldn’t be around B’more without ruminating on that city’s club music which has been such an influence. Now I won’t be able to be there without thinking of…
Immediate Heat Wave
The Heat Wave crew in London just sent over this new mix of “Half an hour of jump-up Caribbean rave music.” the UK sounds of garage, bassline, funky and jungle filtered through the tasty carnival vibes of bashment and soca. It’s a companion to their new Immediate Sounds club night which will feature heavy doses of said tunes. Listen: Gabriel…
DJ C “B-Low” Mix
Download: DJ C; B-Low DJ Mix -> [audio:https://archive.mashit.com/audio/B-Low.mp3] More vibes comin’ atcha! This one’s a dubstep-centric mix I cooked up featuring BIG tunes by a bunch of friends, in addition to a few folks who’s paths I hope to cross one of these days. Check the links below for more info about the artists involved, including our pals from way…