-> Sonic Weapons MP3 Download <-
We’re excited to bring you the exclusive MP3 download release of DJ C’s Sonic Weapons album, which was released on CD this past summer to critical acclaim.
Sonic Weapons features guest appearances by Chicago-based bad-man ragga vocalist Zulu, world renowned Viennise thereminist Pamelia Kurstin, wicked wicked Boston riddim scholar Wayne&Wax, Jamaican vocalists Wasp and Dami D, and U.K. toaster Quality Diamond. The album draws from musical roots deep in the underground and radically joins genres together into a sturdy trunk. The branches reach around the globe like tentacles slapping bootys and moving feet everywhere.
Bringing out the big guns… Sonic Weapons is a rush. 4.5 Stars
– Remix Magazine
Sonic Weapons is not your everyday album. And that’s all for the good. 4 Stars.
– Time Out New York
This is a continious mix album. You can buy the tracks individually, but played together as a gapless album they form a seamless DJ-style mix. in addition, the full album purchase comes with printable artwork and liner notes sized for CDs, and it’s only $8.99 U.S. for all 16 tracks rather than the $14.33 you’d pay to buy each track individually.