No Mas Tequila with DJ C, Murderbot, & Zebo Saturday night dance party in Wicker Park. Saturday, Feb. 9 at Subterranian 2011 W. North Ave. 10pm – 3am. $5, 21-plus
Tag: DJ C
Bouncement Party: DJ Flack, DJ C, Murderbot
BOUNCEMENT @ Town Hall Pub Special guest DJ Flack (Beat Research / Mashit, Boston), along-side residents DJ C and Chrissy Murderbot Get you sorted with the freshest grimey-speed-club, dubstep, booty bass, dancehall, mashup, & electro-sleaze party trax. Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 10pm to 2am at Town Hall Pub, 3340 N. Halsted, Chicago $2 cover, $1 shots, $2 pints Venue Info…
Mashit Release: DJ C and Zulu; “Body Work” Out Now
Now available at the Mashit MP3 Download Shop, DJ C & Zulu come at you with Body Work, a dance-floor killer in Boston-bounce style. This 4-track single contains the original mix, instrumental, a capella, and Murderbot’s Body Juke refix. When Body Work was released as a 10-inch single on the Community Library imprint, Boomkat exclaimed: This rough, rugged 10-inch rams…
Mashit Release: DJ C & Zulu; “Body Work”
In October we kicked off the Mashit MP3 download shop with the exclusive MP3 release of DJ C’s Sonic Weapons album, and last month we released Murderbot’s debut album Ruff In The Bunny Fizness. Next Tuesday (12/18/07) in the Mashit MP3 Download Shop, DJ C & Zulu come at you with Body Work, a dance-floor killer in Boston-bounce style. This…
DJ C; “Sonic Weapons” – MP3 Release
-> Sonic Weapons MP3 Download <- We’re excited to bring you the exclusive MP3 download release of DJ C’s Sonic Weapons album, which was released on CD this past summer to critical acclaim. Sonic Weapons features guest appearances by Chicago-based bad-man ragga vocalist Zulu, world renowned Viennise thereminist Pamelia Kurstin, wicked wicked Boston riddim scholar Wayne&Wax, Jamaican vocalists Wasp and…