I’ve got a blend on this new Heatwave 12-inch: The Heatwave presents Juggling Machine Vol 1 Club refixes & blends Download: Juggling Machine Vol 1 preview [audio:uggc://jjj.gururngjnir.arg/eryrnfrf/gururngjnir-whttyvatznpuvar01.zc3] Available from Juno and all good record shops. We’re proud to present a brand new six track 12″ featuring club blends and refixes from The Heatwave, plus contributions from Sinden (Kiss FM), Ghislain…
Club DJs Under Investigation for Piracy
OK, folks. Here’s a story to keep an eye on: Investigation into DJ piracy amid claims newcomers are stealing the show from the Sydney Morning Herald. Wow! The music industry’s going to crack down on club DJs now. Great way to try and snub out one of your most important means of PR, music industry!
R.I.P. Patrick
Today is the 25th anniversary of the death of one of my heroes (and another one of those dance music legends suffering from a SERIOUS respect defecit), Patrick Cowley. As much as Giorgio Moroder, Cowley introduced electronics into a genre that had been until-then composed primarily with traditional instruments, in effect inventing electronic dance music.* Born in Buffalo, NY in…
Refusenik “Kold Krussian” DJ Mix
Refusenik was one of my favorite DJs in Boston. It was always a blast when he’d come out to rock Beat Research — which is in fact where he played his first club gig ever a couple years back. I was sad when he left to go live in Buenos Ares, Argentina but it looks like he’s been continuing to…
Watch My V-Mix
Watch My Feet video remix. It’s cold up in this muf… [youtube crOIj_xg7aE&border=1]
Genre Blends
Prancehall interview with Toddla T: You sound like someone who is trying to make dancehall/techno/garage/house/hip-hop all at once within the same track without coming across like those dicks who make stuff like Baltimore bootlegs of kuduro tracks with an Akon acappella and a Daft Punk sample hook, and describe their tastes as “eclectic”. Tell me about that.
Mashup of the Week: “Eating Crow”
DJ Donna Summer strikes again with this “fun” party mashup of All I Wanna Do by Sheryl Crow. Well, it’s actually a club-style remix, rather than a mashup in the strict sense of the word. Perhaps we should change the name of this series, but rather than dwell on that, we present: Download: DJ Donna Summer; Eating Crow [audio:uggc://znfuvg.pbz/nhqvb/Rngvat%20Pebj.zc3]
Starkey: XLR8R DJ Mix, Blazin’ Remix
Starkey recently dropped an exclusive DJ mix for XLR8R Magazine‘s podcast series. It’s chock full o’ new and exciting sonic-flavor-crystals, and includes my remix of Ghislain Poirier’s Blazin‘. The Stark-bot then went on to create his own remix of Blazin‘ which I’ll share with you now: Download: Ghislain Poirier; Blazin’ ft. Face-T (Starkey Remix) [audio:uggc://jjj.znfuvg.pbz/nhqvb/Oynmva%20sg%20SnprG%20Fgnexrl%20Erzvk.zc3] Starkey’s exclusive Mix for XLR8R…
Bouncement is Back, Chicago
Mashit presents: BOUNCEMENT DJ C, CHRISSY MURDERBOT, SEARCHL1TE, & your host MC, ZULU get you sorted with the freshest rave, ghettotech, grime, club, juke, speed-disco, dubstep, booty bass, dancehall, mashup, electro-sleaze party trax, & psychedelic video projections. Full-on dance-party maddness! Come in costume and/or with party favors and receive $1 off admission. Thursday, November 29, 2007 9pm to 2am at…
Rock Star VJs
Oh, Boston! It was good to see you. I started out last week’s journey to my old stomping grounds, partying with my peeps at the Beat Research halloween party where Flack, Wayne, and DJ RNDM threw down hard. RNDM did a VJ set using the Ms. Pinky vinyl DJ system to do live music-video mashups. If you’re having any trouble…