
Push Monthly

***** Ableton User Group 8pm-10pm *****
***** Push Monthly from 10pm-2am *****

Thursday, June 16
Beauty Bar
1444 W. Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL

Sets by:

DJ C [Mashit]
Lokua [Moment Sound]
Vapor Eyes [Boom Juice]
Shazam Bangles [Cutz on Cuts]

Preceded by:

The Chicago Ableton Live user group is starting up again for 2011 with a Free Ableton Workshop and The June Chicago Usergroup Meeting Thursday, June 16th from 8:00PM-10:00PM. Certified Ableton Instructors Thomas Faulds and Orville Kline will host and give presentations on cutting edge studio production and live performance techniques with Live, Max for Live, and Ipad Live control.