Apparently we were too busy having fun at the Bouncement party to bother documenting it. There were a few pictures taken though.
If anyone else has pics, please send ’em our way.
I’d like to thank all the enthusiastic party peeps who came out and represented so late into the Tuesday night. It was a nasty-good vibe in there! We’ll surely be doing another one soon. Stay tuned…
While you’re wasting time over at my Flickr page checking out the party pics, swing by this photo-set of my tour in Europe this past summer. Yes, I’m a slacker and just now got around to putting them up.
Here’s a video clip from the Glade festival while I was performing on the Overkill stage; super-short but it’ll give you a glimpse into the fest:
[youtube pl-hvpcTX5o]
There’s also a funny document of the flooding that took place during the festival (remember the flooding in England this summer?).And here’s a short clip from the Mantua Festival in Ireland.